Thursday, May 20, 2010


Dear B.I.S Community,

As the Prophet has only looked into the educational system of our beloved school, he shall begin to find more faults in its social body.

There are students from sixty different cultures and the school believes to combine all of these. Well, to a certain extent Murphy and Co. have succeeded, but there is and always has been a clear line between the germans or german speaking and the, how shall we call them? "Internationals". Each party believes to be superior to the other.

The function as a "prophet" for Bonn International School, has proven itself to be insufficient. Thus, I will reveal my identity. I am, as many of you have already speculated, a 12th grader and as my school-life is coming to an end, I realized that I had not changed anything or made any significant impact to this school. Thus, I have used this platform to communicate with most of you. I will continue writing these letters, referring also to my experiences as a student. Being positive and negative.

One of my notes on the social life at B.I.S. is, as I have stated above, the relationship between Germans and the "Internationals". Most of them do not really talk to each other, as "The germans are arrogant, look like homosexuals and the "Internationals" dress like homeless people and live on facebook", as I have heard a girl in eleventh grade say.

I plea for you to get along. Both parties have positive and negative aspects to their characters. Party together, learn from each other and soon you will see, as I have myself, that there are many extremely interesting people at our school. We have members that have seen the world and all of you are "special". B.I.S. children do tend to be avant-garde, but in a positive way. You all come from rich families and have a high self-esteem. If you try, you will get a long perfectly.

Remember: The grass is always greener on the other side. Dip that Bratwurst into some curry and take a bit.

Yes... and my name is Prophet.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Dear BIS Community,

"Change", is the subject matter of this newsletter.

Each day, we are confronted with the quality of SODEXO's food. I have thrown away my food before, as it is simply not edible at times and I believe it is safe to say, that most of you have had similar experiences. Furthermore, their portions are based on the appetite of a four year old and their sauces are solely made for the purpose of vomiting. Some might find the food satisfying and I am a big fan of the doughnuts as well, but to eat those every day? Come on Mr. Berg, it is time for a change.

The IB was not instituted for everyone, but BIS is trying to sell it to every one. Students from grades ten to twelve have the greatest workload, which is why they like to light up a joint on a wednesday afternoon. Let us get mathematical on this subject matter, shall we: great workload+ marijuana= High School Diploma. I believe I have made my point. It is time for a change.

A further factor, which is also the cause of an inhospitable environment, are the unemployed mothers, whom linger around school, due to boredom, or the assembly at the end of the year, where they are thanked by nobody. However, as these parents are not german, they would rather be part of the B.I.S bubble, which is growing a thick coating. How are family's supposed to integrate themselves into a society, that they simply do not come into contact with? And buying groceries at the supermarket, accompanying a quiet "Dunkeschan" ("Dankeschön"), will not make the cut. Most of these people do not talk to people unrelated to B.I.S. The school is fenced and cameras are located at each corner, to locate "intruders". Great effort at being interactive, within different social groups. Ok, let the rich kids play by themselves. But, it is definitely time for a change.

The Dean of Students is a further figure, which was recently introduced to the school. A very good example of wasting the eight-million €, that the school makes yearly. His job is to show students their fallacious behavior and penalize them for it. These pupils then need to reflect on their behavior, during monday lunches. I have not recognized change, in regards of their behavior. Nonetheless, there is no need for panic: The Student Council will make everything better. They are the voice of the students, though I do not hear them talk very often. It is time for a change and this is why, I am, who I am.

Yes… and my name is Prophet.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bonn International School

Dear BIS Community,
The Bonn International School is a state-of-the-art school providing children from ages 3-19 with a high quality education in a caring environment. High quality, stands for high price. A caring environment, should be one which involves kindness for others, while this school reminds one of a military school. Once the students fails to to follow the rules, he is then penetrated by the system. The system. Yes, the school has dramatically changed over the course of the past years. Emerging from a healthy and social milieu for the "Bonn elite", it has come a long way. In order to sustain his prestige, the student has to work an exorbitant amount, to become the IB's ideology. Needless to say, this reminds many of a cult. The devotion directed toward certain characteristics.

Not only does this affect the students social lives drastically, it also pressurizes some individuals into taking performance enhancers. "Ritalin" is the infamous drug, that students are taking to be more concentrated and write their essays in the shortest time possible. This is what has happened. This is the direction Diploma students are heading for.

There are some teachers that already have a massive work load to cope with, as one could argue that this school is completely understaffed and employs incapable substitute teachers. Time is lost and school hours are wasted on social networks such as Facebook. However, there is more to be expected. The school staff is already overwhelmed by the amount of students, but will need to cope with a great increase of pupils. Two-hundred, to be precise. The pressure on teachers will escalate to an extent, which is not of a private school standard. Needless to say, the money obtained, is not invested in new school staff, but is held back for the new facility (four new containers).

Yes... and my name is Prophet.